Current School Year 2024-2025

  Start Date End Date Holiday Dates

Autumn 1


Wednesday 28th August 2024 Thursday 17th October 2024 18th - 25th October 2024

Autumn 2


Monday 28th October 2024 Thursday 19th December 2024 20th December - 3rd January

Spring 1


Monday 6th January 2025 Friday 14th February 2025 17th - 21st February 2025

Spring 2


Monday 24th February 2025 Friday 11th April 2025 14th - 25th April 2025

Summer 1


Monday 28th April 2025 Friday 23rd May 2025

5th May 2025 (Bank Holiday)

26th - 30th May 2025

Summer 2


Monday 2nd June 2025 Friday 11th July 2025  


Next School Year 2025-2026

  Start Date End Date Holiday Dates

Autumn 1


Tuesday 26th August 2025 Friday 17th October 2025 20th - 28th October 2025

Autumn 2


Wednesday 29th October 2025 Friday 19th December 2025 22nd December 2025 - 5th January 2026

Spring 1


Tuesday 6th January 2026 Friday 13th February 2026 16th - 20th February 2026

Spring 2


Monday 23rd February 2026 Friday 27th March 2026

30th March - 10th April 2026

Summer 1


Monday 13th April 2026 Friday 22nd May 2026

Monday 4th May (Bank Holiday)

25th - 29th May 2026

Summer 2


Monday 1st June 2026 Friday 10th July 2026  

Click on the links below to download a copy of the school term and holidays dates for both 2024-25 and 2025-26. There is also a link to Leicester City Council's term dates website, future term dates are available up to 2026/2027.

Leicester City Council School Term and Holiday Dates 2024-25

Leicester City Council School Term and Holiday Dates 2025-26

Term dates -