Understanding the World Curriculum Aims – EYFS
The Development Matters framework is used in EYFS for the delivery of Science through the key area of ‘understanding the world’. The framework outlines ‘understanding the world’ as:
Science Curriculum Aims – Key Stage 1
The National curriculum in an integral part of our school curriculum across Key Stage 1, and forms the basis of our teaching and learning for Science. It outline the Science curriculum as:
The core aspect of the Science curriculum in Key Stage 1 is ensuring all pupils have the opportunity to work scientifically to develop their skills as scientists. This is outlined within the National curriculum as:
Gathering and recording data to help in answering questions.
Pupils within Early Years Foundation Stage are taught Science elements through the area ‘Understanding the world’. A long term plan outlines the specific units of learning to be taught within each learning cycle. Within each unit, learning is then broken down into four smaller topics which are then rotated on a weekly basis. Pupils develop their knowledge, understanding and skills through structured exploratory play based activities as part of the outdoor provision and table top activities, as well as during 3 weekly 20 minute directed teaching time sessions.
Science is delivered across Key Stage 1 during a two hour weekly session which ensures all pupils have access to quality first teaching. Lessons ensure pupils are having the opportunity to develop their working scientific skills whilst also building their curiosity about the world around them.The long term plan for each year group outlines the key units to be taught for each learning cycle, from which medium term plans are then created to break down a unit into individual lessons in order to ensure the key objectives are addressed. The Hamilton Trust scheme of work forms the basis of planning in KS1 which reflects the breadth of the National Curriculum for Science. The scheme is adapted for each unit in order to ensure the needs of pupils within our school are being met and pupils are being challenged appropriately.
The Green Flag Eco award was achieved in July 2024. Throughout the year, the action plan focused on the topics:
8 Eco warriors from Key Stage 1 represent the school every year in order to ensure actions from the whole school action plan are being implemented. This includes ensuring weekly litter picking sessions are carried out by pupils, recycling bins are being effectively used around the school, and active journeys to school are being tracked using the Living Streets Travel Tracker. Pupils actively take part in termly eco meetings and communicate the discussions taken place and the actions to be taken with the whole school via newsletters, video messages, pictures and assemblies. Parents are also informed via Class Dojo and Twitter. A charity day was also held in order to raise money and awareness for Just One Tree, supporting to plant trees all around the world.