At Catherine Infant School, we believe that music is a powerful and unique form of communication that can change and impact the way pupils feel, think and act. The teaching of music helps the body and the mind work together.

Exposing pupils to music during early development and teaching pupils rhythm and pattern can help them to learn the sounds and meanings of words. Pupils develop descriptive skills in music lessons when learning about how music can represent feelings and emotions. We teach pupils the disciplined skills of recognising pulse and pitch, how to work with others to compose music and perform for an audience.

We aim to deliver a broad and balanced music curriculum which enables pupils to perform, listen to, review and evaluate music across a range of historical periods, genres and gaining knowledge of the works of great composers and musicians. Our pupils will learn to sing and use their voices. They will create and compose music on their own and alongside their peers. They will understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated, including through the inter-related dimensions: pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure and appropriate musical notations.



In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), pupils begin their journey in music through the specific area of Expressive Arts and Design. They are encouraged to be imaginative and to explore different media and movement to express themselves.

Within the EYFS setting, music is an integral part of pupils’ learning journey. Pupils sing regularly, learning a wide range of songs and rhymes. They begin to build a repertoire of songs and imitate movements in response to the music they hear. Pupils learn rhythm, rhyme, pulse and pitch by experimenting with their voice. They are supported to develop the confidence to perform music and are exposed to a wide range of musical instruments. Pupils use different instruments to experiment and explore the different sounds made.

Music lessons take place both inside and outside the classroom, exploring the environment and creating new sounds using musical instruments and everyday objects. Oral rehearsing of songs including familiar nursery rhymes, number songs and stories are practised daily.

Fundamental skills are developed within the EYFS and as pupils progress through our school, their skillset is fine-tuned to provide them with strong foundations for their future musical lives.



In KS1, our pupils have weekly music lessons. Skills are taught in order, developing throughout the year groups, and are revisited and embedded throughout every year group; each term’s lessons work through each of the key musical concepts.

In KS1, we use the ‘Charanga’ scheme of work which incorporates all components of the Model Music Curriculum and meets all the requirements of the National Curriculum. Through our ‘Charanga’ scheme of work, musical skills are introduced, revisited and embedded to enhance the ability of all our pupils. Pupils understand musical concepts through a repetition-based approach to learning. Learning about the same musical concept through different musical activities enables a more secure, deeper learning and mastery of musical skills. Our pupils have the opportunity to both develop new musical skills and concepts, and re-visit established musical skills and concepts. They learn key vocabulary and develop their skills using tuned and un-tuned instruments.

Through our music curriculum, pupils are provided with the opportunity to become actively involved in music through a balance of listening, appraising, composing and performing. Progression and continuity through the school are ensured through a structured music curriculum which provides the pupils with a wide range of opportunities for them to develop this range of skills.  It comprises of the following aspects:


In Year 1, pupils will be taught to sing simple songs, chants and rhymes from memory, sing collectively and at the same pitch, responding to simple visual directions and counting in. They will sing a wide range of call and response songs to control vocal pitch and to match the pitch they hear with accuracy. In Year 2, pupils will be taught to sing songs regularly with increasing vocal control. They will sing songs with a small pitch range, accurately. Pupils will be taught the meaning of dynamics and demonstrate these when singing.


Pupils will listen to and appraise a wide variety of musical styles and genres from the past up to the present day. Pupils will be taught to recognise changes in tempo and respond to these through movement and be able to maintain a steady pulse, identifying the strongest beat.


Pupils will be taught to improvise simple vocal chants and create music in response to stimuli, choosing the most appropriate instruments. They will be taught the difference between creating a rhythm pattern and a pitch pattern and compose their own. Graphic notation will be introduced to represent sounds and pupils will be encouraged to develop their own symbols.


Pupils will continue to develop their skills on tuned instruments and play and perform using staff notation.


Designated Specialist Provision (DSP)

In our Designated Specialist Provision (DSP), pupils experience music in both the formal curriculum and the alternative curriculum. Music in the formal curriculum is linked to the other subjects in the curriculum. Music in the alternative curriculum is taught through Write Dance, Dough Disco and Communication through Music.

The Charanga scheme for special educational needs provision is also used as a resource. 


Singing Assemblies

In addition to music lessons, we incorporate music in many areas of the curriculum.  Pupils from Reception to Year 2 participate in weekly singing assemblies where they learn and sing new songs together as well as develop new singing techniques.  In addition, pupils listen to a different piece of music in every assembly. 



We provide opportunities for the pupils to perform in front of an audience throughout their time with us.

Pupils are given the opportunity to perform music in a range of contexts. Religious festivals, cultural festivals and assemblies are celebrated with music. Our Nursery and Reception Nativity, Year 1’s Vaisakhi and Year 2’s Diwali performances provide pupils with the exciting opportunity to learn new songs, dances and perform. These performances are the highlight of our year and the pupils have so much fun rehearsing and putting on a show!



Musicians have visited our school and performed for the children. For example, musicians from Leicester Music Festival performed on their harp, cello and snare drum for our pupils and provided them with lots of interesting information about their instruments.


Music Mark Award

We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded the Music Mark Award in recognition of our school’s commitment to music education. Music Mark is the UK Association for music education, championing and supporting access to music for all children and young people. It works to support and enable our school to deliver high-quality musical and social outcomes for all children. 




